How to make your used car look new again?

Yes, it is very difficult to take time from a busy schedule for vehicle service which is in your regular use. Most of the car owners spend an awful lot of time in their vehicles, whether commuting to work, driving for kids to give them pick and drop from school, college, university, or just for groceries.  Those people who have no money to buy a new car after every few tears are very conscious to keep their automobile in a good position.

If the car owner loves his car, he will definitely make every possible effort to keep it looking like new. Yes, it is true that taking your car on a regular basis for a detailed cleaning service needs much more time and is expensive too. No need to worry about that all. There are few useful tips mentioned below which can save your time, energy and money.

1: Car wash liquid:

Why you use an expensive liquid for a car wash. You may make it with a home remedy. Just take 3 cups of grain alcohol and 4 cups of water and add 2 teaspoons of dishwashing liquid in it. Dip the mop into the soapy water and then start cleaning the body of the car. After that wash the sponge in clean water, and repeat the entire cleaning process till the whole car body is covered. Now rinse with plain water. Use a microfiber cloth to dry it completely.

2: Wheels and Tires cleaning:

Don’t forget the wheels and tires cleaning. A simple brush and liquid can easily make your wheels & tires shiny which gives an attractive look to your car.

3: Window Cleaner & Windshield Cleaner:

Vinegar is an acidic solution that is very useful that can be used as a window and windshield cleaner.

4:  Dashboard & Leather seats Cleaning:

A few drops of olive oil can make your dashboard more clean and shiny. You may also use it for leather seats as well. Please avoid applying olive oil directly to the seats and dashboard. It may cause stains. Instead of that, put some drops of olive oil on a clean cloth and gently swipe at the area, abstaining from scrubbing.

5: Remove Animal Hair:

Pet animals are a part of your life. Although it is not a mechanical problem and won’t damage your car their hairs give a bad & stinky look. It is also hygienically an alarming situation. You may use different techniques to clean pet hairs i-e vacuum cleaner, lint roller, Velcro hair curlers, rubber gloves and water, squeegee, etc.

6: Headlights cleaning:

Headlights cleaning hack is in toothpaste. Just cover your headlights with toothpaste with the help of cloth or use a paper towel to completely coat your car headlights in the toothpaste and let it sit for a while.

7: Make car smell fresh:

Odor-eliminating air freshener, Spray perfume, unlit scented candle, etc can keep a car smell fresh. Baking soda helps to absorb bad smells under car seats and mats. You can also Keep dryer sheets under the front seat.

8: Use of Sealant:

To paint your car is as much as necessary as you want to keep yourself updated. Car paint keeps a car safe from outside and as well as to give a beautiful look but it should be durable.

9: Use of wet wipes:

You must be kept wet wipes inside the car because it helps when the car floor or seat gets wet with liquid things you may easily wipe it.

It is necessary to keep your car in the best condition so that it would stay lasts longer. You can use these simple and inexpensive hacks to maintain your car at home, instead of to visit a service station.

You can also contact: Melbourne Car Removals

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